In the year MCMXCVIII, a pair of aspiring musicians dreamed of creating innovative music and defying mortal limitations. A short time later, fate would conspire to join these visionaries together on an amazing journey.
Amidst the voyage, a third musician arose to unite with the fold. His allegiance proved tenacious as the epic of these three musicians continued.
As robust as this campaign had now become, a void remained. A formal hunt commenced to recruit the final component of what would become The Nobility. As destiny would declare, the quest was complete with the induction of the final colleague.
The concept of Noble Conquest involves the ideal that all have the choice to do what is right. It is a simple notion that music establishes a line of communication regardless of the class, creed, or theological virtue of any individual. Thus, The Nobility will conquer the world with the influential power of music. Noble Conquest is driven by a passion to create that is beyond explanation. They were born to do this. It is the reason they live. Everything you see here has been created by Noble Conquest. From the words you read, to the stimuli you experience, The Nobility take every detail very seriously, and it has proven to be their most esteemed capacity.
Join Noble Conquest as they embark on this new beginning. They have reminisced on their past endeavors, and are striving to better themselves. Like the dawn of a new day, they will burn away the fog of what is expected as they blaze a path to glory. |